Handgemaakte Misha doek, unieke piece voor jouw healing shamanic altaar
De sjamanen bewaren daarin de khuyas (heilige stenen) die zijn geërfd van hun voorouders of meesters die door de jaren van gebruik zijn vol verfijnde energie. Binnen de misha kunnen worden bewaren: belangrijkr foto´s or brieven, cocabladeren, amuletten, schelpen, chakanas, huayruros, palosanto , kristals , sieraden , symbolische ontwerpen, enz.), Alles dat heilig en uniek is voor de Sjamaan
Shamans receive their power from pachamama (Mother Earth)
The Mesa is a transportable altar containing healing stones (kuyas), and elemental power, which serves to support shamanic transformation and awakening. The cloth have different patterns that also tell tribal members what element the carrier is connected to.
The cloth have different patterns that also tell tribal members what element the carrier is connected to.
The medicine bundle can only be handled by certain tribe members and is only opened on special occasions. It’s a mystical object that gives protection, good luck, good hunting, or healing. Medicine bundles are sometimes buried with the owner or handed down from one generation to the next,
Mesas are the ancient Incan medicine bundles of the Andes. They carry Khuyas, or living beings of energy in the form of rocks from sacred sites or crystals. Like a perfectly synchronised team of masters, they work for healing, support, clarity and strength of the Mesa carrier on their path and purpose in life.
They are a direct connection to Pacha Mama, the Apus or Spirits of the Mountains and the cosmos all at the same time.
They act as a portal for when we need guidance or support from other realms of time and space.
Working with a Mesa reconnects us to the ceremony that is life and deepens our understanding of our part within it.
All from the one divine source yet all with our own individual gifts and purpose to contribute to make the greater whole one supremely powerful being.
Misa is a word that comes from the mix of Quechua and Spanish language
Mesa Andina is a ritualization altar in the Andean energetic world.
The Andean Misha is composed of a cloth or unkunha that represents the teqsimuyuc (universe)
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